'Pong Fu' Table Tennis Weekend 2017

‘Pong Fu’ Table Tennis Weekend 2017With a field of 22 players - including 7 players from MTTV'72 and 4 from TTV Valkenswaard - and 12 executives, the training weekend was held for the 13th time in succession at Table Tennis Club Stiphout on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 August. The event is organized annually by the TTV Technical Committee. For many of our youth members it is the event where they and the technical staff spend 2 days together in a sporty and fun atmosphere.
This year the weekend had 'Pong Fu' as its “famous” mascot.

The program included 2x 2-hour table tennis training, an outdoor program, a tournament with great prizes, a surprise activity ('Bubble ball'), a movie evening and much more.

Sunday morning breakfast, two lunches and Saturday evening dinner were of course included again. Furthermore, each participant also received a specially made T-shirt with the mascot of this edition.

View the photos of the 'Pong Fu Table Tennis Weekend' at TTV Stiphout!

About the Author

By administrator /Administrator,bp_keymaster on Aug 26, 2017
