Children's table tennis party at TTV Stiphout

Children's table tennis party at TTV Stiphout

  Table tennis during the Christmas holidays!

During the Christmas holidays, on Friday December 28, the Children's Table Tennis Party will be organized at TTV Stiphout in collaboration with JiBB.


Participation is intended for primary school students; groups 4 to 8.

From 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM there will be table tennis in the form of a tournament and the 'round the table' game.

At the end there is an awards ceremony with cups for the best boys and girls from each group and…..a prize for the best school!

A niceThis is a great way to get acquainted with this fast sport and hit a ball!

MBut even if you have played table tennis before, you are of course very welcome.                                   

You can register via




Table Tennis Center “Stiphouse”                                                                                                           

Break road 30                                                                                                                                                 

5708 JK Helmond                                                                                                                                   



Make sure you bring indoor sports shoes (en wear it in the playroom), and also think about your lunch (although our canteen is of course also open).



About the Author

By am /Administrator, bbp_participant on Dec 16, 2018
