Successful Oliebol Tournament & New Year's Reception

The annual Oliebol tournament took place in the Stiphouse table tennis center on Sunday, January 5. This was combined with the New Year's reception.

Nearly 40 participants, ranging from 7 to 77 years old, took part in perhaps the most enjoyable table tennis event that our association has known. Under the expert leadership of Jasper and Joris, a huge number of matches were played (an average of 6 per person). Between the games, Michiel provided incredibly delicious oliebollen and Walter provided the drinks.

Erwin toasted the new year and asked all members to be open to others than their own circle. Have a chat with someone else, play table tennis against someone outside your own group, and it will all be even more fun! Edwin honored the 3 champion teams of the last competition, namely TLE 1, Men 4 and Youth 1. Samuel received the TTV Stiphout water bottle for 5 years of membership. Henrie was honored for his 25-year membership through a speech by Erwin, in which highlights from Henrie's TTV career were highlighted. Jeroen was also thanked for his many years of dedication as a youth coach, which he stopped at the end of last year.


Finally, the Oliebol of the year was announced. Not Peter, who had won the tournament, but Jeroen received that honor. He can call them 'biggest Oliebol' of TTV Stiphout for a year.

About the Author

By am /Administrator, bbp_participant on Jan 16, 2020
