Pieter van Rooij and Ton Willems appointed as honorary members

The barbecue took place on Saturday, July 10. The first event in a long time and fortunately the weather gods were threatening, but still favorable to us. An extraordinary members meeting took place before the barbecue. The members' meeting appointed 2 members as honorary members of TTV Stiphout: Ton Willems and Pieter van Rooij. Chairman Erwin de Gelder spoke to them with beautiful words about why this honor was theirs.

Ton Willems needs no further introduction in table tennis players in the Netherlands. Ton is an icon: a competitive player within the NTTB for about 60 years, has held positions within the NTTB and has been chairman of the NKS for many years. He started as a trainer for TTV Stiphout, where he became a member in 1975, secured several national table tennis events for TTV Stiphout, was chairman for many years and, after his chairmanship, still supported the board with advice and assistance. Ton received the association pin for previous services in 1995 and in 2001 he was appointed a member of merit by the board. The 'crowning on the work' is now honorary membership.

Pieter van Rooy became a member of TTV Stiphout at the age of 16. A few years later, when we built our own home Stiphouse, Pieter was already fully involved in the construction activities. When the brand new table tennis facility was put into use in 1988, Pieter became a trainer. Something he has continued to do to this day! He was also active in the youth committee and the activities committee and also briefly active on the board, but that was not where his heart and strength lay. His strength certainly lay in organizing training weekends, where he also showed his creativity by creating beautiful and fun designs for posters and shirts that were handed out as souvenirs. In 1997 he received the association pin and in 2010 Pieter was appointed a member of merit by the board. He deserves honorary membership in spades!


About the Author

By am /Administrator, bbp_participant on Jul 11, 2021
