TTV Stiphout

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Volunteer Medal for Walter Benders

Our TTV member Walter Benders received the Volunteer Medal from the municipality of Helmond from aldermen Van Dijk and Van Lierop on Wednesday, November 13, 2024! This for all his volunteer work for the Sint Antoniusgilde, the Barrel Organ Museum and of course TTV Stiphout!

Walter turned 50 this year on April 16. A great milestone for a great volunteer! Walter has been a member of TTV Stiphout since January 1, 1987. He was 12 years old then and was actually willing to help out at the association from the start where needed. Selling lottery tickets for the Grote Clubactie, helping out at the Stiphoutse Vlooienmarkt, the Avondwandelvierdaagse: Walter was ready to help out!
Later, Walter became a bartender at table tennis center Stiphouse. And what a bartender! Several times per competition half, you can find Walter behind the bar to provide a drink and a snack for our own members, but also the visiting associations. He really has a passion for it. With that bartender experience, Walter even once became the best beer tapper of Stiphout! In a real competition, he trumped 20 other fellow candidates! Walter is therefore the tap king of Stiphouse.
But Walter is not only active as a bartender, he is also a member of the maintenance team of TTV Stiphout. The maintenance team is officially called the accommodation management committee (abbreviated 'abc'). Every Tuesday morning the group meets to perform chores in and around Stiphouse and thus keep the table tennis centre in excellent technical condition. Where possible, Walter is there!

In addition to being active for TTV Stiphout, Walter is also a member of the Stiphoutse Sint Antoniusgilde. A close-knit brotherhood where Walter is the 'ensign'. He carries the guild banner with great pride. Within the guild, every guild brother is expected to do his best. And Walter does just that.
Walter is a volunteer at the barrel organ museum. He knows everything about the barrel organs present and he enjoys the music of these beautiful devices. Walter also helps with everything there and more.

Well deserved and congratulations Walter! 
