Clubkampioenschappen 2018

2018 club championship results

The 2018 club championships have been played and below are the winners per category: CK youth/boys: Ties Schalij; CK girls: Zenne; CK recreants/gentlemen: Ario Nab; CK recreants/ladies: Will Wasser

Clubkampioenschappen 2018

2018 Club Championships

This year the club championships will be played after the spring competition. This will be a great end to the competition season. New this year is the club championship for recreationalists. Saturday May 19 Club Championships […]

Feestavond 2018

Saturday, May 19 Party night

On Saturday, May 19, the annual party evening will take place in our own table tennis center Stiphouse from 8 p.m. We are going to make it a pleasant evening, where there is also room for [...]

Tios '51 Uitwisseling

Exchange with Tios '51

On Saturday, August 18, one of the first activities of the autumn season is the traditional friendly match against Tios '51. This time we're playing 'at home'. ALL members (also supporting) may [...]
