Clubkampioenschappen 2018

2018 club championship results

The 2018 club championships have been played and below are the winners per category: CK youth/boys: Ties Schalij; CK girls: Zenne; CK recreants/gentlemen: Ario Nab; CK recreants/ladies: Will Wasser

Clubkampioenschappen 2018

2018 Club Championships

This year the club championships will be played after the spring competition. This will be a great end to the competition season. New this year is the club championship for recreationalists. Saturday May 19 Club Championships […]

Feestavond 2018

Saturday, May 19 Party night

On Saturday, May 19, the annual party evening will take place in our own table tennis center Stiphouse from 8 p.m. We are going to make it a pleasant evening, where there is also room for [...]
